0439 993 706

Daniel Badenhorst

To give every child an fair and equal opportunity to education doesn’t matter their background culture  or the distance from education centres. To support there education you awake the eagerness to study and they become leaders , doctors , lawyers , trades and teachers only to name a few occupations. I SUPPORT THIS BY RIDING and I need you to help me achieve my coal

  1. Amanda Badenhorst

  2. Daniel Badenhorst

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Cairns to Karumba bike ride 2022 (Chris Dayman)

Getting back to my roots…
Mountain biking used to be such a huge part of my life, it’s time to get back on the bike, raise money for a great cause and have some fun doing it!
Distant education is so important when you live a long way away from major towns and cities, especially in far North Queensland!
Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated!

  1. Sarah Dayman

    Go Chris! Good luck!!
  2. Jannah Dayman

  3. Laurel Dayman

    Ride like the wind! A long lasting tailwind…
  4. Deb Cochrane

  5. Teena Dayman

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Red Rump ride- Fleur Royes

The mid-life crisis continues.  I’ll do the pedaling, please help out with raising some money for the kids in the country who don’t get the same opportunities as we do in the cities.  I’m even breaking my ‘no camping rule’ for this one.

  1. Lesa Ashford

  2. Lesa Ashford

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Leanne Desaunois

Mountain biking to help raise funds towards education costs for bush kids. A little pain will be endured by me pedalling up those hills for a good cause.

  1. Tim O’Hallahan

  2. Rachel Karran

    Leanne you are an inspiration giving your time and effort to a wonderful cause
  3. Rosetta Musso

  4. Rohan Priestly

  5. Dianne Condon

  6. Tanya Bassford

    Mountain Bike for a good cause enjoy the pain Leanne ;.)
  7. Isabella Desaunois

  8. Amanda Cross

    Enjoy the experience Leanne
  9. Dawn Rolt

  10. Deborah Gillespie

    Go Leanne! May the wind be on your back. Deb x
  11. Michelle Wood

    Good for you. You will enjoy it and Wish I was with you x
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C2K22 – Enjoy Pedalling 4 Isolated Children EPIC (Lesa Ashford)

Having the power to improve the lives of children is to me, a privilege, and one that I believe comes with a sense of obligation as a teacher. 

I know first hand (as a bush teacher) that rural and remote students face unique challenges inside and outside the classroom.  Our rural and remote kids do not have access to the same technologies or other educational opportunities as city children. 

Australian outback children are likely to return to their home towns as adults and take the lead in the innovation and modernisation of their communities. They will contribute to the education of the next generation.  This is why investing in the education of kids living remotely is critical due to the important role they’ll play in the future.

Each year, through the love of riding a bike, myself and other like minded riders, ride this short distance across the top of Australia, raising both funds and awareness of this.  In doing so we assist rural and remote children and future generations to come.

  1. Lesa Ashford

  2. Lesa Ashford

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Cardzilla C2K

EXPOSED – Cardzilla’s co-owners in lycra! This may be seen as detracting from the region but the intent is putting back to the community that supports us and helping educate the children who may become our future employees! Apart from that what can go wrong?! Help us, help others – come push us along or donate, either would be appreciated! 🙂


  1. Valerie Valdez

    Good work Steve Bates and team
  2. Ange Collins

    From our Adllins Media Team to yours, wishing you both a safe, yet eventful ride!
  3. L & B Felstead

    Just keep peddling!
  4. Tamara Buddle

  5. Michelle Barnes

    Great cause, have fun!!
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Dusty and Dirty 2021 (Theron Goebel)

Challenging myself over 7 days to ride from Cairns to Kurumba through rainforest, cattle properties and everything in between. Raising money for Cairns School of the Air who do a fantastic job teaching kids on remote properties in Far North Queensland.


  1. Sharlene Leeson

  2. Dee McGraw

    Good work Theron x
  3. Bonita O'Brien

    Awesome Theron. So proud of you xx
  4. Leon Bush

    Good luck old boy ?
  5. Dorine Pantacchini

    Go you good thing!
  6. Tarra Tipper

  7. Richard Ainsworth

    Go You Good Thing 🙂
  8. Ballandean Estate

  9. Leeanne Gangemi

    Amazing commitment. Good luck to all riders
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Are we there yet? (Rob McCagh)

A worthy cause and a great way to explore the country with new friends


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