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Cairns 2 Karumba 2019 – Gareth Smith

Mountain bike ride from Cairns to Karumba to raise money for the education of rural kids in FNQ

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Daniel Segura C2K 2019

Raising money for bush kids by riding all the way from Cairns to Karumba.

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Team Stanny, Cairns to Karumba

We are doing a bike ride from Cairns to Karumba to raise funds to improve the education of children in remote areas of Northern Queensland.

780 kms in 7 days, – this will be our biggest ride yet, with lots of hills, and who knows about the wind factor!

We are now on the countdown to the ride commencement at the end of June, and are a long way short of bike fit for the ride.

We hope that you will sponsor our ride to aid the vital education of kids in the bush.


Candy & Col

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Michael Lane C2K 2019

C2K Charity Ride 2019

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John Henderson C2K Fundraiser

To Raise money for a worthwhile cause.

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James and Alex Toolen C2K 2019

The C2K is a charity bike ride that raises money for children in distance education, to help get new technology and allow for more experiences. this year both myself and my brother Alex have decided to ride, even after helping for some years.

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Jacob Vanderkamp C2K Fundraiser

I have ridden and raised money for the Cardiac Challenge for the past eight years and have decided to do something different this year.

Hopefully I can get the same support from friends and family to raise money for the School Of Distant Education

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C2K for Outback Kids – Liz Lindsay

Cycling from Cairns to Karumba 780 km in 7 days to raise funds for rural and remote kids.

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C2K 2019 – David Toolen

This is my 7th time riding to support the kids in remote communities to get the best possible education, to achieve their goals. 

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